Home Mortgage Loans

Choosing a Loan

Couple meeting real-estate agent to buy property

Searching for the right mortgage lender and the right loan can be a confusing and stressful thing to do. Even figuring out whether or not you can qualify for a home mortgage loan can be overwhelming. At RPM Lending, we expertly guide you through the best options available for you and your family so you can feel confident making a decision about your future.

Some of the mortgage options available include:

FHA Government Home Mortgage Loans

The Federal Housing Administration (FHA) has been helping people qualify for homes since 1934. This type of financing is a great option if you’re worried about high interest rates or qualifying for a home mortgage loan because it offers a low interest rate. Contact one of our qualified mortgage lenders at RPM Lending today to see if this type of loan is right for you.

VA Government Home Loans Albuquerque

If you are a veteran, on active duty, reserve / retired military, or a military spouse, you may qualify for a low-interest loan or a no-money down home mortgage loan. Whether you’re refinancing or buying a new home, one of our expert representatives can help you build a foundation for your future.

USDA Rural Home Loan Albuquerque

If you’re thinking about settling down in rural New Mexico, a USDA Rural Home Loan might be right for you. Let us help you find out if you pre-qualify for one of these loans that boast generous income limits, flexible credit guidelines, and other assistance options.

As you’ll see below, different loans work better for different situations. It’s important to have the right information in order to make sound decisions about your home mortgage loan. For questions, contact us today.


How much of a loan do you qualify for?

Find out now

Things to Consider When Thinking About a Mortgage Loan

Not every mortgage loan and mortgage lender is right for everyone. Here are a few things to consider when thinking about your situation:

Are the fees reasonable? Some mortgage loan companies charge more than others. Weigh your fees accordingly. Is the loan fixed-rate or variable rate? This is important when considering how much you can afford on a monthly payment.

Consider the interest payments associated with each loan. Having this knowledge can help you avoid making late payments or missing them altogether.

These questions are important to ask yourself before you decide which mortgage loan to pursue. Feel free to contact us at any time during this process with questions.

We’ll Help You Compare Loans and Mortgage Lenders

Are you having trouble figuring out which mortgage lender or home mortgage loan is right for you? With over 45 years of combined experience, we are here to listen to your needs and to help you through every step of the mortgage process while maintaining or improving your credit score.

Contact RPM Lending now via our web form to talk about a home mortgage loan in Albuquerque, Los Lunas or Roswell NM. We’ll help you explore the best options that are available.

RPM Lending offers home mortgage loan type comparisons for the New Mexico housing market. Our offices located in Los Lunas and Albuquerque.

RPM Lending

Los Lunas Office

Phone: 505-866-1470

203 Sandoval RD SW
Los Lunas, NM 87031

    RPM Lending

    Albuquerque Office

    Phone: 505-363-5616

    1717 Carlisle Blvd.
    Albuquerque, NM 87110